Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell
Small Hours

Each piece memorializes something in particular: an everyday object, a small gesture, a fleeting moment, a peculiar memory, or a specific time and place. Ethereal finishes play with refraction and nostalgia - unsure if they're artifacts from a distant past or a far-off future.

Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell

Monuments 01, cobalt blue finish

Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell

Spaces series, 9"h x 7"w x 2"d

Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell
Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell
Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell
Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell
Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell

Spaces 05 with maple frame

Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell

Ceramic and oak frame, 13"h x 10"w x 2"d

Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell

Formations series

Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell

I’ve had a terrible memory for as long as I can remember. As a teenager I obsessively documented my life through diaries and planners. Even now, I maintain databases, calendars, timelines, and note-taking apps meticulously organized to catalog the books on my shelf, the shows I watch, the skincare products I use, the clothing I buy, and the places I go. I get through my day thanks to a plethora of to-do lists and reminders because if I don’t write it down, it doesn’t happen. My art practice, in contrast, developed from a pursuit to express what I can’t quite put into words – an introspective process driven by a longing to grasp what is always on the verge of being lost.

The Small Hours collection of ceramic wall reliefs is dedicated to externalizing personal observations and emotions into tangible keepsakes. Through five distinct series—Formations, Gestures, Monuments, Relics, and Spaces—I explore various facets of human experience, from natural landscapes captured in side-profile akin to topographical maps to effervescent body movements and treasured sentimental objects. Each piece memorializes something in particular: an everyday object, a small gesture, a fleeting moment, a peculiar memory, or a specific time and place. These forms are visual explorations of sentimentality, a result of my continuous attempts to preserve the ephemeral.

Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell
Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell

Relics 06, variegated black reflective finish with oak frame

Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell (Viefo 14)
Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell

Relics series with iridescent finish and walnut frame

Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell
Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell

Matte iridescent finish

Small Hours by Cindy Hsu Zell